Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A Newly Appointed First Officer

Ahoy there!  It is official!  The Board Members (the gorgeous Darcy and myself) have appointed Miss Yanna as our First Officer, deck hand, rouse-about, expert hand-holder and loyal mate for our pending journey to the Dead Sea.  Yes, big sister Yanna will be joining us for the almost 4 week sojourn to Jordan.  This is a fantastic opportunity for Yanna and we welcome her aboard.


  1. Fantastic! I hope that Yanna, Darcy and Mum have a great time. Dad and I will be at home - ordering in, watching awesome DVDs and generally having a great time too. We'll miss you so much. xxxx big-big-sister, Emily. xxxx

  2. Great Yanna will be a big help - especailly with the long Sea Journey and she can scrub the decks after the storms

    Darcy that is a crazy photo of you and you like like you have just swallowed a fish

