Sunday, 31 March 2013

Taking it Easy-ster Sunday

The Easter Bunny visited us overnight!  Poor little poppet got his tail stuck in the glass door and a little bit of soft white fluff was left behind.  Darcy and Harper enjoyed searching for the sugar-laden treats that he left behind.

All that sugar got me thinking about "Sugar" - no surprises there.  I started reading Sarah Wilson's blog and her associated rantings about sugar and how she gave it up and how she has an auto-immune disease (Hashimoto's Disease - under active thyroid) and how it has effected her life. 

Am ruminating on all this info and I think that is the next stop for Miss Darcy Jane: a diet overhaul!  #1 Husband and I are monitoring the Super-Sugar-Sunday fallout in terms of knees and dots.  Recent blood tests gave Darcy the all clear with her thyroid function but that is the beauty (not!) of an autoimmune disease.. anywere, anytime, no rhyme nor reason.

In the meantime - I like what I read... makes sense and I hear her pain.

This morning we sped in to Observatory Hill to check out the Qantas and Emirates A380s flying low over the Harbour Bridge - or as we like to call it - Harper's Bridge!  It was impressive, but they fly lower over Stanmore!!  Maybe Yanna, Darcy and I will be on one of these babies 3 weeks today?

Happy Easter everyone.  Enjoy the quiet time with freinds and family.  Don't text & drive!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Yanna's Rocks photo

Easter Saturday Team Lunch

Lovely day to go to the Harbour View Hotel at the Rocks and soak up some Sydney sunshine.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Darcy does a Ferris Bueller

Today Darcy pulled a sickie in the morning citing tummy pains and a sore throat.  Nice work!  I had to venture in to the city so she came along.  Here is Darcy imitating a rabbit holding a chicken on the 470 Bus.  Happy Easter friends.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Pre-Jordan Blood test

Last night Darcy had a sleep over at Maddie's (thanks Maddie & Kate!). Lots of fun before the nasty-neddy-the-needle.  As usual, the resiliant Darcy took it all in her stride, a little needle then a lollipop to ease the pain.  The Professor requires lots of blood test results to see how Darcy is functioning on the inside.  We added Thyroid function and Arthritis markers to the long list.  Here is the brave little soldier pre-lollipop.We hope all the results are perfecto! 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Looking back....

A squiz into the past....  Here is Darcy in February 2011, before our first trip to Germany to see "The Professor".  Darcy had just started Kindergarten and is 4 yrs old.  It could be a scene form The Piano at Gap Beach, South West Rocks.

A Newly Appointed First Officer

Ahoy there!  It is official!  The Board Members (the gorgeous Darcy and myself) have appointed Miss Yanna as our First Officer, deck hand, rouse-about, expert hand-holder and loyal mate for our pending journey to the Dead Sea.  Yes, big sister Yanna will be joining us for the almost 4 week sojourn to Jordan.  This is a fantastic opportunity for Yanna and we welcome her aboard.